Friday, June 17, 2011

God is Very Much a Father

Okay you know the saying becareful what you ask for? Yeah well I've noticed something about myself, I ask for too dang-on much stuff and most of it is ridiculous! I did something very stupid and now its about to be out there. (No nothing crazy get your mind out that gutter!)
I wanted to get info on something and I got more than I bargained for. I wish I could let the whole situation with the guy go, but something in me (that stupid something) refuses to let sleeping dogs lay.
I wish I could drop it but I've already shown my afro so I might as well deal with everything that's going to come at me. When God says to leave something alone he means it, but when you keep asking, he will give it to you and watch you mess up horribly, but the best thing, he will sustain you through it no matter what.
So I'm getting my punishment soon from him, I can feel it, but he will be gentle with it, I hope :/