Monday, January 2, 2012


L is an emotion that can consume a person at anytime whether it is toward a person or thing. T is a battle field that contains L and is best friends with T.

Have you figured out what L and T are? * cues Jeopardy music*

Alright times up what was you guess was it Love and Trust? That would be an amazing guess, but not quite. ,

L stands for Lust and T stands for Temptation.

For a while now I have been battling with lustful thoughts and actions. It is easy to lust after someone or something without being aware of that lust, but fortunately I am aware of it, but the problem is how to deal with it.

I don't act on my lust which is good I guess, but the feelings remain and they are strong. It is hard because temptation is always around the corner.

The Bible tells us that we can't serve two masters because you will always love one more than the other. I am currently serving two masters and I am not hugging God as closely as I should. I am consciously serving the devil and because I have done it so long, when it has come to my lust, that I no longer see a problem with it.

However, I know there is a problem, no matter how desensitized I have become to that inner voice, I know something is wrong.

Maybe pride should be added because I put myself in situations just to see whether I would fall or not and I always fall because I am not spiritually strong.

This is the first time I have admitted how spiritually weak I am. I am not strong enough in my spirituality, rather than elevate I am dissenting in my spiritual warfare.

I call God father, but I don't do as he asks, heed his messages, take his advice, or follow his rules, I can give everyone else biblical advice, yet I cannot apply it to my life.

I could boast how this new year will be different and stuff, but I truly hope it will be a year where I can truly struggle and try to find my spiritual center. Lust, although it feels good, isn't a friend of mine, but an enemy.

I have to be the one to deprogram myself in many ways and not just every new year, but maybe every 6 months.

Pray for me and pray with me, its going to be an uphill battler that hopefully my father will forgive me and acknowledge my trying.